THAheadline Highlights: Mia Kodak

THAheadline would like to highlight hot new female rapper, singer, and songwriter, Mia Kodak.
1. Background of who you are. (Where are you from? Academic Background?)
My name is Mia Kodak. I was born and raised in Kansas City, Kansas, but reside in Los Angeles, CA, for the past four years. I graduated from the University of Central Missouri with a B.S. in Broadcast Media and a minor in Photography. I'm a Specialty Pharmaceutical Sales Rep by day and an Artist by night.
2. What is your story? How has the journey been so far?
I'm really just a small-town girl with big-city dreams. I have known what I wanted to do since I was 7. I always knew I would be in the entertainment industry. I would sit in front of the TV every day and watch BET's 106 & Park and pretend I was hosting the show. I knew EVERY song word for word. Although I have always shown an interest in music, I never took a career in music seriously until May 2018. I wrote my first song, did a little research, and recorded my first single in June. After I released that single, I wrote an entire six-song EP in 3 weeks and recorded it. I had no idea what I was doing and had no help, but I wanted it and made it happen. The journey has been everything but easy. I have experienced every emotion from high to low.
3. Have you faced any struggles along the way?
My biggest struggle has been being a female artist in this industry. We are expected to look and dress a certain way, especially if we rap/sing a certain way. Some of the men in this industry are abusing their power, and as a woman, I have struggled meeting men who can keep it professional. Those are the two biggest struggles, and everything else is kind of like the saying goes, "99 problems and money would solve most of them" (LOL).
4. What made you realize that music was your path?
Music has always been in me. I listen to every genre of music, and with some, I don't always understand the words, but I can feel the music. When I released my first single "All Summer," the majority of my hometown friends and family told me they were not surprised that I was an amazing artist because I never shut up singing (LOL). And that's true... you can change to any radio station, and there is a 90% chance that I will know the song. I study music...always have and always will.
5. Who are your musical influences?
Growing up, I was so inspired by Brandy. From music to acting ...she was someone who looked like me, and that representation was important for a young black girl in the 90's. I also LOVED Ja'Rule and Trina...I listen to Ja'Rule and Trina radio stations on Apple Music EVERY DAY. Tupac, Fabolous, Drake, Beyoncé, Nicki, Ashanti,.. and I'll just keep it at HipHop/ R&B because I haven't released any of my other genres of music yet.
6. Has there been one particular moment in your musical career that you're most proud of?
I'm honestly proud of every moment. I'm further in my career than I was this time last year. My fan base is growing and I have to give myself positive affirmations daily because this industry is a grind. And from day 1 I have not been scared of the grind. I have not been afraid to literally start from the bottom and work myself up. Before I released my first single, people were looking at me crazy when I said I was in the studio rapping. They had no idea. So to answer this question... I'm proud of EVERY moment. Big or small, I celebrate every moment.
7. How would you describe your sound and the music you create?
This is always a tough question for me because sometimes, this answer makes me feel forced to box my talents into one thing. My voice is amazing because it does so much. I'm a little bit of everything. I would describe my sound as a boss b*tch that don't give a f***, but late at night when I'm by myself; I'm in my feelings. I think that describes my music (LOL).
8. What piece of advice would you give someone who aspires to follow in your footsteps?
Keep going! That's the biggest thing. And don't be afraid to say "No"!
9. What's next for you?
I have a new single "Take His Money" on the way next month. And planning on releasing a second project at the end of the year.
I will also be performing at the Schweinbeck Industry Mixer in LA on February 20th. FREE tacos and FREE entry before 10:30 pm. 3680 Wilshire Blvd #503 LA
10. How can people stay in THA know with you? (social media)
Instagram: @MiaKodak
FINALLY on Twitter: @miakodak_
TikTok: @MiaKodakLuvv